What the Parish Council are responsible for:
We look after street lighting in the village
We have a grass cutting contract for the two playing fields and some designated areas on roadside.
We look after the Play equipment in Happylands and Brownshill play areas.
We look after some designated trees in the Parish
We look after the Bus Shelter
The Parish Council currently pays for the free bus service.
We provide a village defibrillator located on the end of the village Pub
We provide the Dog Waste bins and arrange the emptying
We look after the benches located on the Marston Hill and the Halse Road
What the Parish Council are NOT responsible for:
We do not look after road surfacing or pavement surfacing. This is Northamptonshire County Council Highways Department.
We do NOT deal with potholes. Report to Street Doctor online.
We are not responsible for Footpath, Byway or Bridleway signs. These are provided by Northamptonshire County Council.
We are not responsible for Rubbish Collections. These are done by South Northants Council.
We are not responsible for dealing with Fly Tipping. Report to Street Doctor Online